Oh 'eck.
Right, better introduce myself I suppose. I am a hugely talented creative wunderkind. I can sing and dance and do trapeze and write music and novels and poems and porn. Except that I can't dance and I haven't done any trapeze for years, and even when I did I wasn't much good at it. Indeed, I am a bit of a klutz and not very good at stuff that involves moving more than one part of my body at the same time. And when I first started taking driving lessons my boyfriend of the time said I'd be rubbish at it, because I have no hand-eye coordination. Mind you, he was basing this on the fact that he always beat me at computer games, and that was only cos I had better things to do with my time than chase silly monsters down dark corridors. I preferred Tetris and Boxxle. But I am HUGELY competitive, so as soon as he said that I resolved to be REALLY GOOD AT DRIVING and I passed my test within 3 months. So ner ner to him.
He was right though, I'm crap at hand-eye coordination, and I can't multitask either, which might explain my inability to move my arms and legs at the same time, which in turn explains why I end up in a tangled blushing heap on the floor whenever I try to do aerobics. But I can write novels! Well, I had one novel published. But since then people have only paid me to write porn. Which I seem to be all right at. Fuck knows why.
But I have written another novel! That's why I'm here: It is of course well known that publishers and literary agents all gather behind the Big Blogger fence, peering in with notebooks in their hands and trying to spot the next DBC Pierre. They will be able to tell, because literary geniuses have allergic reactions to jacuzzis - it makes their ears go green. Well, that's what I was told, anyway - and if it's not true I have been brought here under false pretences and demand to leave right now. Ooh, is that a pint of Boddies and a Thorntons chocolate? Don't mind if I do.
Now, what was I saying... oh yes, you want to know what kind of housemate I will be. Well... I will probably talk non-stop, really loudly, about myself. And when I'm not doing that I'll be offering unsolicited advice and telling everyone what to do. I'll be convinced I'm being helpful, and will have no idea that everyone is terrified of me and constantly thinks I'm telling them off.
Every now and then I will burst into tears and get grumpy when people try and give me advice, because I KNOW BEST and nobody can tell me different. Sometimes I will sulk and hide under my duvet. This might be a cry for attention because not enough people are listening to me. Or it might be because I want you all to piss off and leave me alone. I will give you no clues as to which one it is - you must work it out for yourself.
I will be very caring and motherly at first, until you all start getting on my wick, at which point I will get all grumpy and scary.
When I get drunk and/or stoned (I have smuggled some pollen in, but shhh) I will whip out a notebook and start making copious notes on anyone and everything. In the middle of conversations. It will drive everyone mad.
In short, I will be quite entertaining for the viewers, but HUGELY ANNOYING for the rest of the housemates, who will want to kill me by the end of the first week. This too will make me cry.
I am now going in search of a quiet listeningy-type contestant, who will shut up and pay attention while I tell them how amazingly fascinating I am. Tomorrow morning I will hide in the cupboard under the sink, which I will call "Paris". I will ignore all attempts to communicate with me, and will insist that I am in fact in "Paris". But if you leave sandwiches on the floor outside the cupboard three times a day, you may find they disappear.
I am Clare, by the way. Clare Sudbery, or Clare Sudders if you're feeling affectionate. Not Clare's Udders. But I do have spectacularly droopy boobs, and the last time I tried I could fit 31 pencils under each one. I am very proud of this. I will kick you in the shins if you try and suggest anything to make them stick out more. They would look very silly if they did that, and would probably have your eye out. They're fine the way they are.
Well I don't know about anyone else, but I'm scared already.
Posted by: Big Blogger | Thursday, 31 May 2007 at 14:48
bring that pollen to the diary room right now clare! ;)
Posted by: little bugger | Thursday, 31 May 2007 at 15:22
Sorry, I'm in a cupboard under the sink. Can someone make me a sandwich?
Posted by: Clare | Thursday, 31 May 2007 at 15:27
You sound just like me, just as scary. Therefore I say you are wonderful, beautiful and a goddess to be admired (from afar), go girl. I should really be rooting for Goth and Tippler but.. well truth be known I'll root for the three of you. The Paris under the sink made me laugh, reminds me of a couple of senior friends (age not status) of mine who had to cancel a well earned trip to Italy last minute. They swallowed their disappointment, bought guide books to their home town Glasgow (Scotland), put a sticker over the front cover and wrote 'Italy' with a squggly drawing, dressed up each day in good walking shoes and fancy hats and explored 'Italy', stopping off for cappucinos visiting the art galleries for Italian art and stopping for pizzas and pasta in the Italian restaurants followed by classical concerts of Italian composers.. gorgeous people.
oops I babbled didn't I? anyhow it's hidden in the comments, what I really meant to say was good luck, and thanks for your comment on my blog .. it made my day.
Posted by: Honey | Thursday, 31 May 2007 at 15:36
Haha, your senior friends sound great! I think I might have to do something similar one day.
Posted by: Clare | Thursday, 31 May 2007 at 17:02
Please don't turn round too quickly
Posted by: Daddy Papersurfer | Thursday, 31 May 2007 at 17:10
it has always worried me that you had 31 pencils to hand.
Posted by: lucy p | Thursday, 31 May 2007 at 17:51
My house is full of pencils. And pens. I keep a goodly supply in every room, in case I get suddenly seized with inspiration. Or need to poke something small.
Posted by: Clare | Thursday, 31 May 2007 at 17:57
So thats 62 pencils? I usually keep one behind my ear but hey, each to their own! Good luck!!
Posted by: Chopski | Thursday, 31 May 2007 at 18:01
Hi Clare,
Don't mind me - I'll be sulking in the corner most of the time, when I'm not goading Tippler into doing something stupid (an easy task).
Was going to say hi from Honey but she's done it already. Might need a pencil or two as I have a book to finish.
Posted by: SpanishGoth | Thursday, 31 May 2007 at 22:43
Hello Clare
Should we know in advance what kind of sandwiches you would like left outside 'Paris' for you?
Posted by: Invader Stu | Friday, 01 June 2007 at 10:04
It really does look like "Clare's Udders", doesn't it?
Posted by: Katy Newton | Saturday, 02 June 2007 at 17:39
hi clare! enidd would like to borrow the pencils, disappear into the bathroom and emerge sometime later to announce a number. greater than zero, but probably less than 31. although enidd's a bit competitive too, so she might lie.
Posted by: enidd | Monday, 04 June 2007 at 04:54