Tippler again.
Nasty bastard Tippler this time.
You see, there was this girl... And she was, like, rather inconveniently married. With a young son. But her husband, with whom she ran a business, was shagging his apprentice.
While I was shagging his wife.
It was a mess, quite frankly, but I was young and in love...
This went on for several years, on and off, - yes, several YEARS - and it became very clear that the hubby had no interest in the wife. It also became blindingly obvious that, despite the fact that I was seeing other girls (Well, you would, wouldn't you? There's only so much of that "Look, T. I don't have sex with him anymore," bollocks before you sort of, erm, rebel a bit and get the hump, as it were) I wanted her badly, desperately but she was clearly not going to leave him.
Anyway, as it happens, to make matters considerably worse, I was managing their second business in a town about half an hour away and madam used to pop over a lot. After quite some considerable time I got really pissed off that she wouldn't leave her husband (who came across to the second business for one day each week). Anyway, I threw an unholy strop and quit - just to piss her off.
So annoyed was I in fact that I did a really, really terrible thing on top of that.
I left the guy a note saying that I knew he was shagging his apprentice. That everyone knew. Even his wife, although she was in denial.
"Hasn't stopped her shagging me for the last three years, though," was the deliciously vindictive pay-off line. Next to the letter was a pair of her knickers. A souvenir, if you will.
I justified my behaviour by saying that it was a dead marriage, he loved someone else, his someone else loved him, I loved my girl, she loved me. Four people are unhappy, and so on.
All of which was true. But, of course, I did it just for me. It was completely, utterly, selfishly just for me.
Six months later he left her. A couple of years later she and I moved in together (with the young son). She was divorced by now. After two years of a decidedly rocky and fractious relationship with very little trust on either side we decided to do absolutely the worst thing possible - and get married.
By the time that happened we'd been seeing each other for seven years.
The marriage lasted just seven months beore we split. We were divorced in two years and it was terrible, just terrible.
That woman was without any doubt the love of my life. But it was fucked all ends up from pretty much Day One. And I can't say I didn't deserve it, either.
So there you go.
Anyone know which platform the bus to Hell leaves from?
There's got to be a TV programme somewhere in all that.
You could make a packet.
Posted by: Big Blogger | Friday, 15 June 2007 at 16:02
Got a free pass to hell if you want to borrow it?
Posted by: SpanishGoth | Friday, 15 June 2007 at 16:10
What a mess.
Posted by: The Aunt | Friday, 15 June 2007 at 18:40
I'm loving all this... everyone's selfish acts are caused by relationships!?
Ain't love sweet, eh.
Posted by: little bugger | Friday, 15 June 2007 at 18:42
Hey, Laura here, I am Tipplers girl. Blog sometimes on his blog, so you might recognize me.
Love of your life? Wow, now that is selfish to say when you know I am reading...
Posted by: Laura | Saturday, 16 June 2007 at 09:38
See, now I'm for it...
Posted by: Tippler | Saturday, 16 June 2007 at 13:04
Oh blimey. Many messes. Brave of you to share!
Posted by: Clare | Monday, 18 June 2007 at 18:15
I assure you.
P.S. Please review our icons for Windows 8
Posted by: afterimagesof icons | Tuesday, 11 September 2012 at 12:36