Finally, it's task time!
And this is a doozy, so I hope you're all strapped in.
Welcome one and all to 'Breaking The Rules Week':
"This task is very simple in theory. I want you all to come up with your own 100% original set of house rules. They must be totally different from the original rules that I outlined before you entered the BB house. There can also be as many or as few rules as you like, although why you'd want one pissy little rule when you can have 328 rules is beyond me.
As well as coming up with this new set of rules Big Blogger wants everyone to completely disregard Rule 14 of the Big Blogger handbook, which is as follows:
Please refrain from pimping for votes. It's bad form to sell your ass on your own blog.
Please ignore this rule in whatever way you see fit. The poll which is going up very shortly will actually be counting votes to see who will STAY in the house. The two housemates with the lowest number of votes come next Monday will both be evicted. So this means that Big Blogger wants you to pimp like you've never pimped before. Call in all those favours, blackmail your boss, put ads in the local paper, whore yourself at work - do everything you can possibly think of to get people (and as many people as you can) to vote for you. They don't have to know what it's for, but they have to come and register their vote for you in the poll, otherwise how are you going to stay in the house?
Big Blogger would very much like it if the housemates provided updates throughout the week as to how their pimping efforts are going. He might even award some bonus votes for originality and inspiration. So use your noggins and get to work!
The last thing you must know, is that whoever WINS the vote with the most votes out of everyone gets to have their set of house rules adopted for a week. That's right, Big Blogger's rules go out of the window and yours will take their place. Which could have all sorts of strange results to the eventual outcome of this thing, so think about your own set of rules very carefully. This should be interesting...
The deadline for this task is Monday 2nd of July at 12 noon. Officially. No overrunning and no excuses either. You've got a whole week to do this task so tardiness will not be tolerated."
The poll will go up shortly, and the pimping should start immediately!
IMPORTANT UPDATE - There seem to be some 'issues' with the poll not accepting votes. Big Blogger hasn't got a clue why this is happening, and so would ask everyone who tries to vote but fails to either leave a comment in this particular post and/or email me. The address is in the sidebar. I will then count that as a vote. Sorry about any problems this causes. It's nothing to do with me guv! BB
IMPORTANT UPDATE #2 - The issue now appears to have been rectified. Many apologies for being a useless tosser. BB
IMPORTANT UPDATE #3 - A whole bunch of votes that should have gone to Bob have mistakenly gone to Angelalala due to my bungling incompetence. Big Blogger is aware of how many votes have gone in the wrong direction so will be deducting them from Angelalala's account and adding them to Bob's next Monday. So sorry Angelalala, you're not as popular as you thought you were. And Bob, please stop showing off.
As you were.
Ooooh, interesting.
[puts thinking cap on]
Posted by: Clare | Monday, 25 June 2007 at 23:24
Anarchy. Goth will love it.
Posted by: Angelalala | Tuesday, 26 June 2007 at 00:13
In the words of Janet Van De Graaff in "The Drowsy Chaperone", "I don't wanna show off."
Posted by: bob | Tuesday, 26 June 2007 at 10:34
200 hundred people couldn't vote for me last night, and they won't be coming back, so they tell me. Honest guv.
Posted by: Mr Angry | Tuesday, 26 June 2007 at 10:56
Nooooooo!!!! Can't I at least keep half to stave off the mental distress that your incompetence has caused me?
*searches for no-win-no-fee shyster to sue BB's arse*
Posted by: Angelalala | Tuesday, 26 June 2007 at 10:59
Bob - But you are, you are.
Mr Angry - Nice try.
Angelalala - Err, no. I'm being strict, so am running a no returns policy. And I'm not apologising again either.
I'm so evil.
Posted by: Medium-sized Blogger | Tuesday, 26 June 2007 at 11:13
Is it too early to demand a recount?
Posted by: Daddy Papersurfer | Tuesday, 26 June 2007 at 14:31
Booo! I only have four votes, and I am pretty sure I am two of those.
Some big-time pimping is required I think...
Posted by: Mr Angry | Tuesday, 26 June 2007 at 17:01
I've pimped my ass on my blog. I'm not sure the ass is too happy about it but I'm loving the hat!
Posted by: Angelalala | Tuesday, 26 June 2007 at 18:20
I'm thinking Bob may have sinister connections...
Posted by: penfold | Tuesday, 26 June 2007 at 19:10
I voted last night, and the voting system knows this. Does it know who I voted for and whether my vote was recorded properly?
Posted by: Pierre L | Tuesday, 26 June 2007 at 20:37
Shit - I've forgotten how to post a new one
Posted by: Spanish Goth | Saturday, 30 June 2007 at 01:34