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Monday, 25 June 2007



Ooooh, interesting.


[puts thinking cap on]


Anarchy. Goth will love it.


In the words of Janet Van De Graaff in "The Drowsy Chaperone", "I don't wanna show off."

Mr Angry

200 hundred people couldn't vote for me last night, and they won't be coming back, so they tell me. Honest guv.


Nooooooo!!!! Can't I at least keep half to stave off the mental distress that your incompetence has caused me?

*searches for no-win-no-fee shyster to sue BB's arse*

Medium-sized Blogger

Bob - But you are, you are.

Mr Angry - Nice try.

Angelalala - Err, no. I'm being strict, so am running a no returns policy. And I'm not apologising again either.

I'm so evil.

Daddy Papersurfer

Is it too early to demand a recount?

Mr Angry

Booo! I only have four votes, and I am pretty sure I am two of those.

Some big-time pimping is required I think...


I've pimped my ass on my blog. I'm not sure the ass is too happy about it but I'm loving the hat!


I'm thinking Bob may have sinister connections...

Pierre L

I voted last night, and the voting system knows this. Does it know who I voted for and whether my vote was recorded properly?

Spanish Goth

Shit - I've forgotten how to post a new one

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    Huge thanks go to Lucy Pepper for her wonderful illustrations.

    Plus, even though he's not blogging anymore, let's remember Watski for coming up with this godawful idea in the first place.

    AND, if you've got 300 years spare time on your hands you could use it to re-read the whole of the original 2005 Big Blogger event. Go on, I dare you.

    The only other place we should really link to is the official BIG BROTHER website. After all, they're the ones who bought the rights to the concept in the first place; we're just adjusting it for our own purposes. I'm sure they'll understand.

    So if you want intellectual stimulation and laughs-a-plenty, stay right where you are. However, if you want boredom, drudgery and maybe some tits and arse, go there instead.

    I know where I'm going. Okay, see you later...

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    The idea may not be original but everything else on here is of our own making and 100% original. So don't go borrowing unless A) you link back to us, or B) you ask us really really nicely beforehand.

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