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Wednesday, 20 June 2007


Big Blogger

I wanna know which pop star was getting a good seeing to!

Big Blogger demands to know, or else.


I can't go for that, because his private eyes might be watching and that wouldn't make Sarah smile.


I also have to admit that I clicked on the link to find out about the backdoor shenanigens, only to find no names.
I bet you'd have named names if Nic had asked.


Oh, arse. Nic's kiss was on my list till I read the cockroach thing.


Please y'all. That's a blind item Helen Keller could read.


Which one's X though Bob? The blond or the brunette?


It appears all I need to do is bat my eyelashes at you, Bob. Moonstruck-era Cage though... Colour me jealous.


It appears all I need to do is bat my eyelashes at you, Bob. Moonstruck-era Cage though... Colour me jealous.


Not entirely sure why that double-posted but it happily sums up the the extent of my jealousy and lack of computer ability when Nic is on my mind.


Woah, they are two v. impressive anecdotes!

And now I have that song on my mind and not a clue who sang it...

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    Plus, even though he's not blogging anymore, let's remember Watski for coming up with this godawful idea in the first place.

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