Do not let my appearance deceive you. I am a very kind person on the inside, honestly, and I am always looking to help people in any way that I can. However, when looking for the most selfless act I have ever undertaken, I find it hard to pick one from the many gazillions over the years. So instead I will tell you about the most recent. In which I helped a damsel in distress.
I will admit that most damsel stories begin with the hero (that is me, for clarification) coming across a crying maiden who at first resists all attempts to help her. The hero slowly wins her round, and his efforts help her through a traumatic experience of some kind. That is how it normally happens. So in this particular case, having a drunk young woman charge at you in a nightclub, might not seem like it has quite the same romantic gravitas. But that is because you are dead on the inside. It was very romantic. If badly lit, and a bit noisy.
It turned out that this particular damsel was in very real danger of being last in the hen night party games, and I for one was not about to let this stunningly attractive helpless lady down. Like any true gentleman I offered my assistance, in any way I could.
Now, as I stood there, some thirty seconds later, naked from the waist down apart from a pair of socks, and with camera flashes going off around me as if Paris Hilton herself was noshing me off, I began to review my incredibly chivalrous act. Had I done the right thing? Yes, I was being photographed by friends and stranger alike, and I fully expect there are pictures of me cupping Little Angry and McSquirter Twins all over the Internet as I type. But then, by allowing her to have my underpants I had allowed her to get a free bottle of warm Asti Spumante. More than that, I had helped a young girl realise a dream, a dream of not being last. For once, she was a winner. And I played a full, and indeed pantless selfless part in that victory. For that I ask no thanks or congratulations. The look on her face with my pants on her head was reward enough.
As for the most selfish thing I have ever done, well I can say with utter certainty that I have never, ever, given anyone my last Rolo.
I can't speak for anyone else, but you're definitely my hero.
Posted by: Big Blogger | Friday, 15 June 2007 at 15:46
And she was pleased with Y-fronts? Must have been very dark. Might have taken some explaining to her boyfriend later. No way I would have done it though - probably why I avoid hen nights like they're the bubonic plague.
As for Rolos, let them buy their own
Posted by: SpanishGoth | Friday, 15 June 2007 at 16:29
Oh I'm off to look for the pics! :)
Posted by: little bugger | Friday, 15 June 2007 at 18:47
I like this post.
The recycling part, mainly. Bottle bank bitch that I am.
Posted by: Angelalala | Saturday, 16 June 2007 at 00:10
Angelalala - I did check it was allowed! And I did have to rewrite it from a slightly different angle, but yes, the episode itself has been written about before... booo!
Posted by: Mr Angry | Saturday, 16 June 2007 at 09:30
Bravo, what necessary phrase..., a brilliant idea
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