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Saturday, 23 June 2007



Cat for president. Although there is no crime feesible that deserves no.3...


Penfold, was that the Coldplay bit of number three or the feet bit?


R u 4 real?


The Coldplay bit. I'm sure he's very lovely and is nice to kittens and stuff but he is a miserable, drony git...

Concerned Sidcup resident

All of the above, including 6 but - what about people who walk about in an iPod bubble?


Bedshaped, Y?

Penfold, he and Gwynnie are one of my least liked sleb couples. There's something far too wholesome about them.

Concerned from Sidcup, guilty as charged. But I don't have the volume up loud enough for anyone else to hear.

ordinary girl

Oh I think I'm voting for Cat!
Although couldn't we just ban men with facial hair full stop!

(And cannot agree with 2pts! I love it! And may have a secret (and fairly disturbing) crush on Ralph Little!)

PS. How can you love The Smiths and hate Coldplay?


Wholesome - pffft!
Facial hair? I'll get my coat.....


[pauses to inspect feet for signs of skankiness]

[heaves sigh of relief]

The meeting stuff sounds great... but couldn't we just ban meetings altogether?

Novelty ringtones, yes yes yes, but in number five (the one about grammar) you put your full stop inside your parentheses (which is not technically correct).

And I think Two Pints of Lager and Packet of Crisps is kinda cute.

[runs for cover]


OG, how can you even put Coldplay and the Smiths in the same sentence, you cheeky monkey?!

Penfold, facial topiary? Not a winner in the Cat House!

Clare, glad to hear you don't have skanky feet, but on the grammar front, the bit in the brackets is a complete sentence, and comes between two complete sentences, so the full stop should go inside the closing bracket. Okay?!

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