When given this task, I did consider telling you about the time that Esther Rantzen called me a "fucking imbecile". But that was sixteen years ago, and with no witnesses, I am a little unsure of my standing with regard to the libel laws. Plus, I had spilled strawberries down her white dress, so I guess I sort of deserved it.
Instead I have decided to focus on sporting celebrities, as these are my favourite kind. In September 2003 I was on holiday in Dubai, staying at the famous Jumeirah Beach Hotel and enjoying the luxurious surroundings. In the lobby one morning I got chatting to a chap reading a copy of The Sun. It was Michael Vaughan, who was/is England cricket Captain and was enjoying his honeymoon in the same resort.
This may not seem like a big deal, and on it's own I suppose it is not, but I am a big cricket fan, so meeting the England captain was a big deal to me. Which is exactly what I was pointing out to my thoroughly unimpressed then-girlfriend in the lift just a few brief moments later.
"In fact", I said to her as we waited for the lift to reach our floor, "Michael Vaughan is right up there as one of my three all-time favourite sports people, along with Tiger Woods and Paul Gascoigne".
She continued looking ahead, with complete disinterest, as behind me there was a cough from one of the blokes who were in the lift when we got in.
"Alreet mate," said as surprisingly small....Paul Gascoigne.
My flabber had never been so gasted. I stammered, then looked upwards and said, "My top four includes Anna Kournikova by the way", but alas she did not appear in my room. Despite insisting to my girlfriend that I must go in first, to check, whilst she waited in the hall.
I do not know much about statistics, but these particular sporting celebrity encounters are surely so astronomically unlikely that I have used up all of the luck I will ever get, ever. In fact, this explains an awful lot about my life from that point forwards...
How did you manage to miss a man wearing fake breasts and sobbing loudly?
Posted by: Angelalala | Wednesday, 20 June 2007 at 21:05
On that basis, my life should be fantabulous now!!
On consideration, it appears there may be a slight flaw with my kharmic bank balance...!
Posted by: ordinary girl | Wednesday, 20 June 2007 at 21:48
On that basis, my life should be fantabulous now!!
On consideration, it appears there may be a slight flaw with my kharmic bank balance...!
Posted by: ordinary girl | Wednesday, 20 June 2007 at 21:49
who was the other guy in the lift?
Posted by: me | Thursday, 21 June 2007 at 09:50
That is pretty amazing.
(Never had you down as a fan of University Challenge)
Posted by: bromman | Friday, 22 June 2007 at 00:11
Haha, I love those kinds of coincidences. Coolarooney.
Posted by: Clare | Monday, 25 June 2007 at 15:03
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Posted by: Diego Castillo | Saturday, 15 December 2007 at 15:44
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