There's one thing quite glaringly missing from this competition so far... and that's NOMINATIONS. How can we be Big Something-Beginning-With-B-And-Ending-With-"Er" if we don't do nominating?
So, rule number one: Every housemate shall go into the diary room and nominate two other housemates for eviction, before Thursday lunchtime. And explain why. Properly. The housemates who get three votes or more will be put up for the public vote. Voting will close on Sunday at midnight, and the eviction will happen on Monday.
But that's not very nice really, is it? Saying nasty things about each other in the diary room... might make people sad... mmmffff... nope, it's no good, I haven't got it in me.
AMENDMENT TO RULE ONE: Housemates will nominate two other housemates to WIN. And give detailed reasons why. AND, as well, as posting these reasons in the diary room, they must post the reasons, along with links to the nominated housemates' blogs, on their own blogs (this will be the one exception to rule three below). And then.... oooh yes. [evil cackle] As before, the housemates with three votes or more will STILL be up for eviction. Even though they were nominated as winners by their fellow housemates... indeed, because they were nominated as winners. The public will then be voting on who goes, not on who stays.
Right then. Rule two. Well, I've been meaning to visit all the participants' blogs, and to my shame I still haven't managed it, and I think it'd help us all if we had a better idea who the hell we all were, so...
Rule Number Two: All housemates must visit AND READ the blogs of all the other housemates. This will be the weekly task for next week. To prove that they've done it, they must leave one comment which demonstrates knowledge and understanding of what they've read. And we have to visit the blogs of people who've been evicted, as well as everyone else. Anyone who has not completed this task by midday on Sunday will be evicted on Monday.
Rule Number Three: Well, again, seeing as this is supposed to be
Big Something-Beginning-With-B-And-Ending-With-"Er"... shouldn't we be cut off from the outside world? So... no blogging anywhere except here. For a week. Your blog must be left in the charge of Someone Else (whether this person actually exists or not is up to you). Again, failure to do this task will result in eviction. This restriction will be lifted at midnight on Sunday.
Rule Number Four: There are only four beds. One sleeps four, one sleeps three, one sleeps two and one is a single bed. Names will be pulled out of a hat to discover who gets to sleep with who.
Rule Number Five: At some point next week, a siren will sound. Housemates will know when it has sounded, because Medium-Sized Blogger will put up a post saying so. Housemates then have SIX HOURS to respond to the siren by nipping in to the diary room and telling Medium-Sized Blogger a secret. If at least seven out of the ten housemates manage to achieve this, we will all be rewarded with chocolate and booze.
There. That's enough rules, I reckon. Enjoy.
No blogging anywhere but here?? But....but....but... boooooo!!! And how do we put our nominations and reasons up on our own blogs if we can't write on them?
Booooo! (again)
Posted by: Mr Angry | Friday, 29 June 2007 at 11:55
Actually, thinking about it, I quite fancy a week off from blogging.
Hurray for Claire's idea!!!
Posted by: Mr Angry | Friday, 29 June 2007 at 12:00
Yeah great, pre-empt one of my pre-planned tasks why don't you...
Posted by: Medium-sized Blogger | Friday, 29 June 2007 at 14:38
Tsk tsk Mr Angry, not paying attention... the putting-reasons-up-on-our-blog thing was marked as an exception to the no-blogging rule.
And if you want to, nothing to stop you creating a fictitious blogger, adding them to your blog team, and...
Posted by: clare | Saturday, 30 June 2007 at 11:11
Thought I would post my rules and then come and read everybody else's (just so I didn't have my brain clogged with brilliant ideas instead of my mundane ones!).
Nice to see we are thinking on the same nomination wavelength :-)
Posted by: ordinary girl | Monday, 02 July 2007 at 00:00