Well, here we are again! Another task, another post, another area of complete lack of expertise! (Athough come to think of it, unless the tasks relate to prostitution, men, or parenthood I'm pretty unqualified to talk about any area! And even in those 'expertise' would be a relatively loose term!)
Anyway, back to the job in hand... my manifesto! I'll keep it simple!
1. Less money spent on defence.
2. More money spent on education and health services.
3. More money for the the disadvantaged, the elderly, and the poor.
4. Higher taxing for the highest earners, better tax rebates and financial incentives for the low earners.
Oh, and most importantly...
5. Every single man to undergo suitable psychometric testing to ensure fitness to date before being issued with a "suitably single certificate".
6. Every married man to undergo wedding ring tattooing to warn poor single girls of married status.
You can call it sexist, but in regard to the final two I am of course willing to let a male DEPUTY prime minister fight it out with me in a game of naked twister!!
You realise now you're gonna get loads of questions about the prostition thing OG!
Posted by: Vi vi vi voom!!! | Sunday, 24 June 2007 at 23:06
At this juncture I'd like to offer myself for deputy PM...
Posted by: penfold | Monday, 25 June 2007 at 10:12
Bravo! (Especially to 5 and 6)
Posted by: Cat | Monday, 25 June 2007 at 17:39
i looking faitful gırl for marriage my add [email protected] ı am waıt for youmy love
Posted by: opel | Sunday, 11 November 2007 at 17:02