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Friday, 29 June 2007


Daddy Papersurfer

9/10 for ideas and 5/10 for spelling. For goodness sake, as you know I can't spell, but really..........
Are you getting lonely in there - shall I try and smuggle teddy in for you? I've dried out his ear.


I could only find 'omnipotent' which unless you're deducting 5 points per typo then I feel that may be a bit harsh. I demand a recount and for you to bugger off (darling Daddykins).

Daddy Papersurfer

You are missing teddy aren't you?....now don't be shy.......all your new friends won't mind.


Is anyone else getting emails from housemates asking for votes? (Do people really care that much?) I am, and I am ignoring them. On the other hand, I haven't voted at all, not even to get myself evicted.


Is anyone else getting emails from housemates asking for votes? (Do people really care that much?) I am, and I am ignoring them. On the other hand, I haven't voted at all, not even to get myself evicted.

ordinary girl

Oh I'm liking these rules! Very muchly!!!

And daddypapersurfer, he doesn't need teddy at the moment, he seems to be managing quite well snuggling into my cleavage!

Oh, and I'm not getting emails. Oh god, I really am the most disliked housemate :-(

(Can I use that teddy, Daddypapersurfer?)


What do you need a teddy for when you have a cleavage full of me?
Shhh - I'm busy snuggling...

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