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Monday, 04 June 2007



Welcome! And now the gang's all here.

Well, except for Clare. She's still in the cupboard aka Paris.

And of all things to be intrigued by ... Marlboro Ultra Lights have a white filter here? I didn't know they sold MULs here. Or is that just in Scotland? In the States, the regular Marlboro Lights have a white filter and the ones I get in London ... oh look, here's one right here in my hand ... have a brown filter.

Hmm, the things you learn.

*lights up*

*takes another ADD tablet*


*wonders why I always restart smoking when the ban's about to begin*

Are we allowed to smoke in here?


I'm only in the house 'cause smoking's been banned in Scotland for nearly a year... cheers for the brown filter... let's enjoy it while we can.

Big Blogger

Neil, please tell Big Blogger that you were joking about everything in that post.

If you don't I shall be upset, and I must warn you that I may cry.


Big Blogger - you'll find that a session in the diary room with Little Blogger can be very warm and comforting in times of need (depending on her blood to tequila ratio)...

little bugger

lovely to meet you neil.

anyone fancy a game of spin the bottle? ;)


Joking? JOKING? Do you think I'd make fun of my parents' excessive drooling?


Oh my gawd, it's a geezer in a skirt!

I'd leave the trifle if I were you, babe. All that oust I sprayed and it still stinks of kipper...

Geoff The Security Guard

You just mentioned my favourite ever quote!

'1. People who are intolerant of other people’s culture…

2. And the Dutch.'

Laugh? I nearly shat.


You like Keane? Fuck off and get a life. When you've got one, you can have some of my Jack Daniels. You only escaped from death because you hate the Dutch - I do too. See

But welcome to the house


How old are you dear? Are you legal?


hullo, neil. enidd thinks you look a little too young (and cute) to be smoking, but hey. you also look as if someone's shoved a deep-fried mars bar up your kilt, sharply.


Keane? Coldplay? Jamie Oliver? Next it will be Edith Bowman...


Hey Neil. Give them laldie! I forgive you Coldplay but since you're a Keane housemate, you deserve to stay in...!


"hangs with the flappy bit down the front"

Too right! We'll get on just fine.

"a dozen jumbo slabs of chocolate"

Even better.

"where’s the girl with the pencil-huggin’ boobs?"

Here I am!


anal fucking machine anal fucking machine
Fucking Machine Locker Fucking Machine
Fucking Machine Toolbox Fucking Machine
Fucking Machine Tripod Fucking Machine
Fucking Machine Tripod Style Fucking Machine
Fucking Machine Twin Plow Fucking Machine

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    Huge thanks go to Lucy Pepper for her wonderful illustrations.

    Plus, even though he's not blogging anymore, let's remember Watski for coming up with this godawful idea in the first place.

    AND, if you've got 300 years spare time on your hands you could use it to re-read the whole of the original 2005 Big Blogger event. Go on, I dare you.

    The only other place we should really link to is the official BIG BROTHER website. After all, they're the ones who bought the rights to the concept in the first place; we're just adjusting it for our own purposes. I'm sure they'll understand.

    So if you want intellectual stimulation and laughs-a-plenty, stay right where you are. However, if you want boredom, drudgery and maybe some tits and arse, go there instead.

    I know where I'm going. Okay, see you later...

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    The idea may not be original but everything else on here is of our own making and 100% original. So don't go borrowing unless A) you link back to us, or B) you ask us really really nicely beforehand.

    Copyright © Tim Stannard, or © the Author as stated, 2007

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