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Sunday, 29 July 2007



I have been a quite spectator of this event.

Thing that strikes me at this late timing is how regular Bob gets votes - it is like he has hired a vote getting company to hit him every x amount of minutes - this seems to have grown over the last 5-6 hours.

Hey - if that is the way Bob wants to win then that says everything about Bob.


Sorry Tippler,

The last post was not from Tippler but from me.

He is my mate who uses my PC as he does'nt have one at home - another secret most people don't know, so at the moment, he doesn't know I posted the last post.

Oops , Sh*t Shine and Shinola , B*ugger.



Or could it just be that Bob is the most popular housemate?


I am still using post it notes from my job than ended in 2003.... lol

Supply Blogger

It has often been said I look like Nigel Havers.......................only by me unfortunately.


A vote getting company. Yep, there's lots of them out there. http://tinyurl.com/32lybx


Anyway ... I'm not quite sure what a Beefeater's is, but next time you have a crisis (or want to go shopping) you call me and we'll go to the Ritz. x


Alison, I like your style.

Supply Blogger, perhaps I'll join you in the Diary Room later...

Bob, Beefeaters are horrible restaurant things attached to grotty faceless hotels - like Travel Inns or Travelodges - which are part of a chain. The food is disgusting, and they always have children's play areas outside with plastic slides and the like.

And thank you, I will!


Hmmm, I do enjoy a plastic slide .... but not in a crisis or when I'm shopping.

The Ritz it is. And since I'm teaching now and have no money, we'll have to resort to rectifying #28. It will be very "Breakfast at Tiffany's".


Hi Cat,

You means Bob's that popular that he has had a total of 20 , YES 20 comments on his own blog for his last 10 posts.

Obviously very popular (and interesting).

PS: common Tippler

The Aunt

I once had a dream I was marrying Nigel Havers and my mother was SO jealous she refused to come to the wedding.


Ian, crikey, it's only a game...

The Aunt, I'm not sure what Mr Havers' marital status actually is, but if anyone's having a dream wedding to him it will be me!


Yeah Cat,

But shouldn't their be some sort of level below which you wouldn't go to win - as you stated "it's only a game".

This is something he can't do on his blog because no-one goes there - but he can win with computer voting - well done BOB - Bloody Outragious Blogger

Big Blogger

Oi Ian, twats aren't allowed round these parts, and I should know cos I'm the boss so piss right off. Plus, I don't think popularity is judged by volume of comments. Just like intelligence isn't judged by how well you can spell 'outrageous'. Or 'come on'.

Actually, it might be.

I'm just saying, like.


Just for the record, the Ian/Tippler thing was quite a funny scenario.

I DO use Ian's computer at his place as, although I have course have a PC, I am not online at home. Anyway, I must have still been logged on.

He told me that he'd inadvertently posted as me, but didn't tell me until about 7pm last night (Monday).

Fortunately, I'd already conceded defeat and had snuck out of the BB house to have a pint down the Brussels hostelry we frequent. Ian looked a bit sheepish...then he told me.

In the end we had a good laugh about it so I hope that's that.

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