It's hard working being Big Blogger you know.
One minutes it's all "I love you BB!" and the next it's all "I want to kill your first born BB!". And if that's not enough I have to live with the guilt and sadness that evicting all you lovely (and not so lovely) people brings.
Then I have to come up with all these splendid tasks, get the poll sorted out, keep an eye on everything, make sure the design and the sidebar are up to date, read everything, comment a bit, keep you all in your place AND make time to have half a bottle of rum and a couple of cubans every night. Cigars that is, cigars.
Life is hard, I can tell you.
Anyway, it's the last week, we're down to five, and it's task time yet again.
"For your first (and possibly last) task this week, given what's happening in the midlands at the moment and seeing how ordinary people are becoming heroes in the face of such terrible adversity, Big Blogger wants you all to reflect for a moment and tell us about the most heroic thing you've ever done. Simple as that."
The deadline for this task is Thurdsay evening at 9pm. There is a new poll going up in a few minutes, and by Thursday at 9pm (yes, definitely 9pm - I'm not adding an extra half hour on again) we will know who the last two evictees from the house will be and who therefore will be left in the final three. So once it's up, get voting for who you want to be kicked out. Again.
The final task will go up last thing on Thursday, and by Monday night next week we will know who is to be crowned Big Blogger 2007. WOOOO!!!
Right, I've got to shoot off. There are a couple of dusky maidens waiting in my private spa ready to give my feet a nice hearty rubbing, and stuff. Ahem.
You've got to shoot off?
Posted by: Supply Blogger | Tuesday, 24 July 2007 at 06:23
It was all those sex stories, I reckon...
Posted by: Tippler | Tuesday, 24 July 2007 at 09:30