5. I can write books. Proof: I wrote a book. Well, two of them actually. One of them got published. Oh God, I don't like this game. I'm already thinking my qualities are rubbish and just make me sound horrible. [sigh] Moving swiftly on...
4. Oh arse, this is too difficult. Um, I... I'm good with kids! I love kids. They make me go all gooey. But I'm good at being firm with them too. I'm a good balance of caring, fun and firm. Proof: I have a happy well-adjusted child who never has tantrums, sleeps eleven hours a night, is incredibly kind and generous and gives lots of cuddles. Ugh. How on earth does anyone do this task without just sounding like a dreadful show-off?
3. Only three to go... right. OK. Organisation. I'm good at organising things. And when I have ideas, I generally execute them. And OK, so maybe I don't always get things done on time, but I do get them done. Proof: This new website, wot I helped coordinate (wasn't just me though, props and all that).
2. Erk. Er. Knitting. I can knit! Proof: several jumpers, gloves and hats, designed and executed by me.
1. Kindness. I am sometimes nice to people, and you know, do nice stuff for them. Proof: I'm off to the lakes for the weekend to install phones and put up white boards and solve storage solutions and cook meals and stuff for my ninety-something grandparents.
There. Can I go now?
Knitting? Since when was knitting ever classifiable as a quality?
Posted by: Big Blogger | Monday, 09 July 2007 at 22:23
My ability to knit! It's a quality! What if we got shipwrecked with a load of sheep and you were cold? Huh? I bet you'd call it a quality then...
Posted by: Clare | Monday, 09 July 2007 at 22:28
Clare is nice. She even sent me a genuine hand put together chocolate cake once. Really good too, even after being stuck in the post for faff knows how long.
Posted by: joeinvegas | Tuesday, 10 July 2007 at 18:13
Sighs in awe at the book writing thing.
Wonders if being good with kids can be tested by a week with OG's little darlings X and Z...?
Posted by: ordinary girl | Tuesday, 10 July 2007 at 23:18