You've got me all in tears you buggers.
Big Blogger doesn't generally cry but today I'm making an exception. Oh yes, I'm very much in touch with my feminine side and I'm not afraid to let everyone know it.
I even bake fairy cakes occasionally.
Stop sniggering at the back!
They're all fluffy and I use hundreds and thousands and... I said SHUT UP!!
Oh fuck this, time to evict someone.
That someone, as appeared apparent pretty early on and which has come - again - as something of a surprise, is Angelalala with a whopping 46% of the vote. A surprise in that she appeared to be one of the favourites all along, but what can you do eh? The public are a fickle and entirely unpredictable bunch of weirdos, as evidenced by the fact that Ricky Gervais is hugely popular for absolutely no good reason whatsoever.
But that's a whole other can of worms.
So Anglelala my dear, it is with yet another tear in my eye that I must ask you to leave the Big Blogger house immediately. You may try and bribe me with 'a bit of leg', but the lady's not for turning, so it's probably a pointless exercise. You can do it if you want though. Oh, and please pop in and have a word or two with Supply Blogger before the evening's out.
Which brings me on to the final task of this year's Big Blogger. Drum roll please Geoff.
"Your final task is to post a grand total of 30 things about yourself that most people other than yourself, your mother and your nearest and dearest do not know. I've recently had to come up with 18 of the things upon request, so I see no reason as to why you lot should get off scot free.
I would like you to present these factoids in three small packets of ten a day, so you get this evening to have a think about it, Friday, Saturday and Sunday to post your stuff, and then Monday to try and relax, get the beers in and then settle round the BB coffee table for biscuits, tortillas and dips while I announce the result!
If you have previous engagements then you are free to post the thirty facts as and when you can. I mean, if you seriously want to post thirty seperate posts then feel free, but I may have to have you committed for crimes against sensible blogging.
Oh yeah, and if you've ever done any of these meme things before and you're thinking of cutting and pasting your previous effort then please don't. It's just not cricket is it?
The deadline is obviously next Monday evening at 9pm, as that's when this whole ruddy thing finishes"
There will be a final poll going up shortly too, and this will decide the winner.
The voting is for who you want to WIN. Not for who should be evicted or who should lose, as that would just be daft at this stage.
Now, I know there was a big hoo-ha about pimping and stuff a week or so ago, and normally apart from setting a 'go-pimp' task I wouldn't allow it, but seeing as this is the final week and that you're probably all going to be doing it anyway and that there really is no exact way in which I would be able to monitor it fully, feel free to pimp, cajole, butter up and sleaze your way to the top. If this was the real Big Brother the newspapers and magazines would be doing all the pimping for you anyway, so why should this be any different?
You should all be seasoned professionals at this anyway, plus this whole insane caboodle will all be over soon and I can therefore not get any more grief from anyone ever about whether you can or can't pimp, or whether this rule means this or that or whatever.
Rest assured, I shall be doing a full and thorough review of the rules before the next Big Blogger.
And send your complaints to the usual address.
Just checking ...
8. …the blogmate with the least votes decides to change it. This blogmate will have an hour from when the result is announced to do so, with their reasons.
Still in play?
Posted by: bob | Thursday, 26 July 2007 at 22:04
Nope, that rule is first against the wall when the revolution comes, and *surprise!* the revolution just came.
I need a secretary. Wanna apply?
Posted by: Big Blogger | Thursday, 26 July 2007 at 22:10
okey dokey
Posted by: bob | Thursday, 26 July 2007 at 22:12
um ... to the rule going to the wall, not to being your PA.
Posted by: bob | Thursday, 26 July 2007 at 22:13
You'll need good references by the way. I'm very picky about my secretaries.
Posted by: Big Blogger | Thursday, 26 July 2007 at 22:13
Oh poo.
Posted by: Big Blogger | Thursday, 26 July 2007 at 22:16
Bob, you are a complete darling.
Big Blogger, I'm not talking to you.
Posted by: Angelalala | Thursday, 26 July 2007 at 22:18
Boo to Angelala being evicted, and boo to rule changes.
Now vote for me!!!
Posted by: Cat | Thursday, 26 July 2007 at 22:23
I'm confused. Have I had too much to smoke?
Posted by: bedshaped | Thursday, 26 July 2007 at 22:29
Pass the bong, bedshaped.
They've got no horns and they got no tail ...
Posted by: bob | Thursday, 26 July 2007 at 22:34
Bring back Angelala!
Posted by: Clare | Sunday, 29 July 2007 at 21:03
I consider, that you are not right. I can defend the position. Write to me in PM, we will discuss.
P.S. Please review our icons for Windows 8
Posted by: haroldandmau icons | Tuesday, 11 September 2012 at 13:10