OK, toughie. But Tippler asked around.
It seems I'm a regular backer of righteous and often hopeless causes. Sometimes in the mag, sometimes not. Here's a recent one...
Oh, and...
2) I have considerable charm, apparently.
Go on, count the ladies...
3) I'm told I have an excellent sense of humour. See above...
4) I try to help others. This was a musical charity for the victims of Hurricane Katrina that I co-organised... (They think they had it rough - should try Hurricane Laura sometime, especially after item 2.)
5) I try to spread happiness...
Here's a pic from an English beer festival I was heavilly involved in. A great time and non-profit, to boot! This was during the World Cup. Pictured are UKIP leader and MEP Nigel Farage, being 'red carded' at the opening by Tory MEP (and qualified ref) Chris Heaton-Harris. Us Lefties did most of the drinking, though...
And finally, given that I spend a lot of money on beer with friends, they are pleased that I can't count. Sorry, that would be...
You fucking tart. You'd sell your soul to this extent??
But you do look fetching in green
Posted by: Spanish Goth | Monday, 09 July 2007 at 11:14
I am just fulfilling the obligations I undertook to fulfil when I was dragged into, erm, entered this festering pit of skulluggery and occasional tit flashes.
So there.
I'll see you down the...oh, hang on. I can't, can I? Bollocks.
Oi Big Brother. Any chance of a Day Release system? Fooking dying for a cider...
Posted by: Tippler | Monday, 09 July 2007 at 11:37
Cider? Who mentioned cider?
Posted by: Big Blogger | Monday, 09 July 2007 at 20:32
I live in York =p
I also go to the occasional beer festival!
Posted by: Oli | Tuesday, 10 July 2007 at 11:15
Now you have to appreciate a man who does his bit for charadee..!
Posted by: ordinary girl | Tuesday, 10 July 2007 at 23:11