1. I am a bloody good cook - Honestly, you can ask the missus. She'll tell you. I don't do dinner parties, but if I did they would probably be the best dinner parties in the world.
2. I do not play bongos annoyingly in public - Loads of people round these parts do this and I fucking despise them and all their families. IF YOU HAVE HOMES GO THERE AND PLAY YOUR FRIGGING BONGOS. DON'T DO IT IN MY FACE YOU SODDING TRUST-FUND HIPPIES. I have issues about this, as you can probably tell, and I most certainly do not do it. If I did I would have to put myself out of my misery in the most violent way possible.
3. I'm very good at doing technical drawings - I did loads of arty stuff at school, and have studied architecture for a bit (not long enough), and so despite not having any patience in my normal day-to-day life, manage to have the patience of a saint when doing precise mathematically correct technical drawings. I'm weird me, does that count as a quality too?
4. I can fit through very small gaps due to genetically in-built skinniness - I can. It is good. I'm not wafer-thin, but I am 'slight', whatever that means. I have a bit of a sticky-outy bum, although this doesn't tend to hinder my gap-fitty-through skills too much, which makes me happy.
5. I hate Keane passionately - I even set up a website about this called 'I Hate Keane'. Not hugely original, I know, but says all it needs to say. I haven't updated it in about 2 years, more's the pity, and that says more about me than about my hatred of them. But yeah, I really fucking hate them. Really really. Maybe we shoudl start a club?
If anybody doesn't think that these are qualities then quite frankly that's your own problem.
I too have a healthy disregard for trustafarian bongo drongos. They should all be 'kebabbed' with digeridoos...
Posted by: penfold | Sunday, 08 July 2007 at 17:45
Nothin' wrong with a little bongo in the right circumstances.
Posted by: bedshaped | Sunday, 08 July 2007 at 18:45
Re (5), I knew there was a reason we were friends...
Posted by: Cat | Sunday, 08 July 2007 at 19:14