Bravo! All tasks in on time again, although as per Bob's rules Angelalala loses (or gains, seeing as the vote is to evict) 15 votes for being the last person to get her post up. That'll learn ya.
And as you all know it's task time yet again. Oh joy!
This one is simple yet eminently pleasureable.
"Please list for Big Blogger your 5 greatest qualities. List them in order of least impressive but still okay to most wonderful and please explain why exactly they are qualities. Also, you must give some kind of proof as to how you have demonstrated them. This can be visual, oral, written.. whatever you want to use, just so long as it counts as proof.
The deadline for this task is Monday evening. It would have been Monday lunchtime, but Big Blogger is on long day shifts at the moment and doesn't get any free time until the evening. It's upsetting, I know, but I'm coping."
So there you go.
And please can you all, at some point before this time next week, retire to the Diary Room and post about who have been your favourite and your least favourite housemates from your time so far in the Big Blogger house. Let rip! You're allowed.
AND please can everyone who is voting remember that the vote is to EVICT whoever has the most votes. Although as per Bob's rules (again) the person with the most votes won't get evicted and the two people with the second and third most votes will. Which currently means that both Clare and most ironically Bob would be ejected come Monday. Talk about backfiring spectacularly.
Actually it's Bob and I that would go at the moment (taking into account Angela's extra 15 points/vote)
The Pimpmasters could soon be gone. Who would've thunk it.
Posted by: Mr Angry | Thursday, 05 July 2007 at 13:44
Surely not, BB. If you count Angelala's extra 15.
Right now it would be Mr Angry and Bob, as Angelala has overtaken them both. Well, would have overtaken them if you'd got around to sorting it. So there.
Wanna borrow my calculator?
Posted by: Tippler | Thursday, 05 July 2007 at 13:48
But... who won the story task? Surely whoever wins the task gets the Golden Keyboard of Loveliness and is therefore immune from eviction?
Posted by: Clare | Thursday, 05 July 2007 at 15:33
Oh and P.S. seeing as we're on Bob's rules this week, I guess that also means we have to take each other on holiday at some point?
Posted by: Clare | Thursday, 05 July 2007 at 17:35
Wow. So actually Angelalala is a genius and has this whole thing sussed.
I can see that it's going to be a fight between the three (or maybe five) of you to see who can get this next task in last. So, noon, Monday. See you there.
Re the immunity Golden Keyboard thing, seeing as there isn't really a winner of the task as such, the winner of the week, ie. he or she who gets the least votes, will be immune the following week. And seeing as the person who comes closest to the average vote score gets a bonus 25 votes (in this case, minus 25 votes), I'm predicting that it'll be that person who wins immunity. Therefore, even though Joseph has the least votes so far, he won't be the winner.
God this is complicated.
And about the holidays; it sounds like a great idea. Let's have a little chat with Bob about the organisation side of things shall we?
Posted by: Big Blogger | Thursday, 05 July 2007 at 20:15
So what you're saying is that the person left standing in the yellow Y Fronts will be immune from yesterday's trifle and the wide mouthed frog will be resprayed with marmite because eveybody got between a pair of scissors and an eldery persons sheets?
Posted by: bedshaped | Thursday, 05 July 2007 at 21:24
*evil genius laugh*
Posted by: Angelalala | Thursday, 05 July 2007 at 21:41
Actually, fuck, not noon.
I need to set a proper deadline for this thing.
Okay, 7pm on Monday.
Anything after that is just plain old cheating.
Posted by: Big Blogger | Thursday, 05 July 2007 at 23:36
bedshaped, you funny.
But I feel cheated about this task not having winners. Pah, I say. PAH.
[slopes off to bed in a huff]
Posted by: Clare | Thursday, 05 July 2007 at 23:52
If there was going to be a winner then I think everyone would agree that it would be you Clare, but there isn't, so err, umm...
Fancy a piece of cake instead?
Posted by: Big Blogger | Friday, 06 July 2007 at 01:29
Piece of cake!
Yum yum.
I am easily mollified, as long as there is sugar involved...
(P.S. it is my birthday on Tue...)
(P.P.S. I won! Yay! ;o) )
Posted by: Clare | Friday, 06 July 2007 at 09:10
I'm confused.
BB, can I have my calculator back, please?
Posted by: Tippler | Friday, 06 July 2007 at 10:19
Blimey, what's going on? Has someone just started a campaign to get me out or something? That's ten votes for me this afternoon. Eek.
Oh well, it might be a relief to get out of having to do all these tasks. Apart from that pesky underdog immunity thingy...
[sticks tongue out at voters]
Posted by: Clare | Friday, 06 July 2007 at 19:48
I'm completely lost on the voting front...
Posted by: Cat | Friday, 06 July 2007 at 22:11
I'm with Clare, there needs to be a story winner cos they get the golden keyboard, which is all very nice, but not as nice as the powers that come with it!
Powers like being able to reinstate evicted housemates. Housemates that may, despite being math whizzes, have been evicted purely down to having the same number of votes as the (immune from eviction) keyboard holder, for example...
Oh, hang on. Clare won the story task, Big Blogger pretty much says so up there in this very box!
Posted by: Angelalala | Monday, 09 July 2007 at 16:18