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Friday, 06 July 2007



'Ello, darlin'! I'm also having trouble thinking of five qualities. The only two I've got so far is right and left boob!


Not too shabby thanks Bedshaped.
Angelalalala - I'm sure you some hidden qualities if you have a good rummage around...


All good. Just a bit confused with the votes.

Angelala, have you got 15 - or have you really got thirty after your 15-vote penalty alleged penalty which was allegedly going to be added on and which obviously hasn't been.

And when does the voting close on Monday?

Ah, bollocks to it. I'm off to stage a roof-top protest about nothing in particlar. Just for the fresh air, like.

Anyone coming. Got JD and Marmite...


But isn't this more fun than just clicking and seeing who's ahead? Elections shouldn't be announced till they're over.

I don't like this task either. So much easier to brag about one's faults.

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    Plus, even though he's not blogging anymore, let's remember Watski for coming up with this godawful idea in the first place.

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    I know where I'm going. Okay, see you later...

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