Tuesday, to my mind, is the most rubbish of day of the week. Now, I know Monday gets a bad press, being the first day back to work after the weekend and all that. But in my experience, it’s generally quite a gentle introduction. For starters, the memory of the weekend’s festivities is still fresh in your mind, and the minds of your colleagues. So the first bit of the morning’s generally spent discussing what went on. This was definitely more exciting before everyone started getting married and having babies and people had stories about drinking too much and copping off, as opposed to days out on steam railways and sleepless nights. In my office, we make a point of going out to lunch on a Monday, and meetings are rarely scheduled.
But back to Tuesday. The memory of the weekend has faded. It’s AGES until the next one. Midweek meetings are particularly plentiful, and there’s generally a bit of panicking about deadlines going on too. The telly on a Tuesday evening is proper bobbins. Mondays are saved - for me - by a double Corrie, but Tuesday has little to offer. Last night was especially desperate. Eastenders does nothing for me, nothing, and that dreadful woman poking about in people’s poo on Channel 4 just makes me want to vomit. I’d expected to like Cape Wrath, but was fairly disappointed. Generally I like television programmes that I can have rumbling in the background and dip in and out of while I read a book, and it was clear I was going to have to concentrate on that one.
Then there’s the food situation. In the Cat House, shopping is done after work on a Friday. And no matter how much I plan ahead and try to think of meals for seven days, by a Tuesday it generally dawns on me that I’ve failed miserably. Tuesday’s dinner more often than not involves making all the leftover veg into a big sauce to have with pasta and unhappily trying to chip garlic bread out of the wilderness that is the freezer. I’m also hit by the knowledge that it’s going to either be scrambled eggs on toast for the rest of the week or an emergency trip to the M&S foodhall.
The only redeeming feature of a Tuesday for me is that new magazines come out. And I can’t fail to be cheered up by pictures of Posh Spice looking increasingly skeletal and various WAGS and popstrels flashing their fannies as they get out of cars.
The Days of the Week - The Lilac Time
How can you talk about TV and not mention Rome on Wednesday and Sunday? I know the dialogue is a little contrived (read sh1te) in places, but the scenery is amazing. It's like the Sopranos in togas with lots of nudity, swearing and fucking of all persuasions. Unmissable!
Posted by: having my cake | Wednesday, 11 July 2007 at 13:58
I've not seen Rome, but this post was about Tuesdays and Wednesdays...
Posted by: Cat | Wednesday, 11 July 2007 at 18:08
I mean Mondays and Tuesdays!
Posted by: Cat | Wednesday, 11 July 2007 at 18:09
Thank you Cat, I always claim Tuesday is the worst day for precisely the reasons you say but everyone I know says it's Wednesday. I feel better now.
Posted by: KT | Thursday, 12 July 2007 at 09:30
Sorry, my mistake... lmao... it's just that since CSI finished, I get so excited about Rome on Wednesdays... and Boston Legal!
Posted by: having my cake | Thursday, 12 July 2007 at 17:24