WAS my Blog (Hey! I’m not really a blog I’m a magazine - but not your usual sort of) Magazine. BLOGZINE. It's stopped being anything now, as of April 9, 2008.
But what is online stays online, and what's here is what happened while it was happening. The Chinese above, in Pinyin, is huānyíng, and it means “Welcome” and it’s meant. The girl (pictured) is my television lawyer, just in case. E&D is (or was) a mix of poetry & reviews and sometimes charmingly gentle rhubarb (sometimes with hot custard); it has a heart of rolled gold & the word ‘acerbic’ (is that related to ‘cynical’?) doesn't come into it. There are music reviews too, of gigs at the local music halls. This bit was on hold for a while because I was in China for two years, but now I'm not, though I'm going back soon. Anyway, everything here is all a kind of mysterious (I’d like to say it’s sensuous but it isn’t) zone of gentle & benign happiness (whatever the hell 'happiness' is), where headaches disappear & people are friends, & your shoes never need cleaning, & I hope you enjoy it.
This is a re-designed site, launched in October 2006. You can view the original website, and all the stuff published there, by clicking here.
Oh, & if you want to find out about my poetry, please go to my Home-From-Home which is a site almost as heavenly as this one.
E&D is no longer accepting submissions of work for publication.
Remember That I Love You by Kimya Dawson
Sample track: Loose Lips [Listen]
Kimya Dawson features heavily on the "Juno" soundtrack, a soundtrack that's as wonderful as the movie. This LP is ok, too. It gets a little trying in places, but it's generally ok.
Dig!!! Lazarus, Dig!!! by Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds
Sample track: More News From Nowhere [Listen]
This site is best viewed using your eyes & brain, not necessarily in that order, & also the browser called Firefox.
Slip this site into your newsreader. (I have no idea what this means, actually, but I'm told it works, so if you know what to do please do it.) [What is RSS?]
One day about four years ago Emily sent me a CD-R with a selection of tunes on it and I played it all the way through because it was from Emily and one of the tunes was called “A Bowl Of Oranges” by Bright Eyes and although a few people have been known to describe me as cool I am not really very cool at all and at that time I had not heard of an artist called Bright Eyes but this song I thought was really good and interesting because the words were great and also somehow I couldn’t figure out how he got those words to fit to that music there seemed to be too many of them to fit but somehow he made it work and I figured he was clever and worth listening to and one day quite a long time afterwards I downloaded a complete Bright Eyes discography off the internet and although maybe I still haven’t listened to every song there because there are a few obscure live tracks I’m not sure I’ve listened to I’ve also listened to Bright Eyes so much over the last couple of years that for me he has become essential listening and so I buy the new records when they come out except the latest record came out when I was in China and for reasons I won’t go into here I decided I’d wait to buy it till I got back to England but to tell you the honest truth I haven’t bought it yet I just downloaded it [Listen] but I will buy it because I like to hold CDs in my hands and also I believe in buying records so that the people who make them don’t starve and if you believe that you will believe anything but anyway it so happens that two weeks after I got back to Nottingham Bright Eyes who if you didn’t know already I will tell you now is a chap called Conor Oberst from Omaha was scheduled to play at the Royal Concert Hall here in town and so I thought that was good and well-planned and almost as good as the fine weather we have been having lately which since has turned to rain and then I spoke on the phone with my friend Dave who is only one of the friends I have who is called Dave and having so many friends called Dave gets terribly confusing but this is the Dave I used to work with and I told him I was going to get a ticket to see Bright Eyes and he said he wanted to see Bright Eyes too so I got two tickets which reminds me he still owes me £17.50 and lo and behold it came to pass that the day before the gig I was looking forward to so much because it was my first gig for two years and he’s one of my favourite recording artists Mr. Bright Eyes announced he was cancelling all his UK dates “due to illness”.