I know there'll be loads of people who know who the guy on the left is (and frankly, if you don't know who he is then I must tell you that I hate you rather a lot), and there are definitely a countryful who know who the guy on the right is, but I'm pretty certain there aren't that many people out there who would be aware of who BOTH of these people are and what they do, both at the same time. But I am one of those people, and I happen to think that somebody here may be copying somebody else's style. Either that, or it just happens to be some amazingly freakish coincidence that they look TOTALLY IDENTICAL. And wear suits.
Is it just me? (Yes)
Other quality newsage:
One of my photos of naked people on bikes got used by a nice news lady in Canada. I gave her permission. Check it out and check the photos, and there you shall find the heavily bronzed old naked guy being spied on from above. Fame and fortune must surely await me!
On the same subject, I can 100% confirm that people like pictures of naked people, as all the pictures of the naked bike ride that I put on Flickr have, within a matter of hours, become my most viewed pictures ever. Every single one of them. Even the one with the old guy. This says quite alot about something or other I'm sure, but I won't go into it as I'm pretty certain it doesn't need spelling out. But I will anyway:
P-E-O-P-L-E L-I-K-E N-A-K-E-D.
It's just me then.
Posted by: Timbo | June 14, 2008 at 22:01
I agree too!
Posted by: Charlotte | June 15, 2008 at 11:54
Think you may have something there Tim - I've never seen Wayne and Roberto in the same room at the same time.
Posted by: Ben | June 21, 2008 at 12:21