You'd be hard pushed to find many people as prodigiously musically talented as this woman. If you do please tell me because I'll eat my beret.
She drew a rabbit for Charlotte, which was nice of her. It's a rather evil looking rabbit, with big pointy gnashers... more like a vampire rabbit actually, but a rabbit nonetheless.
I bloody love Withnail & I. I'm pretty certain I'm not alone in this. I also can't believe that I went for years and years (until I saw the film, obviously) without realising that Ride, my favourite band since like, ever, used a line from the film ("Even a stopped clock gives the right time twice a day.") in one of the tracks on Going Blank Again, one of my very favourite records.
My favourite band. My favourite (probably) film. Life is good.
Here are all the best clips and bits that I've managed to find on YouTube, sadly not including the line about travelling tinkers, which isn't even down as a memorable quote on IMDB! I'm still in shock about that one. It's not in chronological order either because frankly why should it be? You want chronological, watch the film. That there's good advice.
A little while ago I saw an ad on telly and thought "hmm, I like that advert - very clever, mmm yes", and was contemplating finding the video on YouTube and whacking it on here for the whole world (for that is how many people read this blog) to see.
BUT, Adam Buxton, that clever little funny man who no longer seems to have a beard which is good because it made him look like he was hiding something, has made the advert even better and put it on YouTube himself, therefore saving me the bother of finding it and fannying around and all that other essentially pointless toss.
So here we are, a visually interesting advert, actually made proper good through the power of the human mind. Woooooo.
I spent about five hours figuring out how to upload album art on to my new walkman phone the other day, and while embarking on this quite frankly unbelievably boring quest it did occur to me "what exactly is the point of this thing I'm doing, seeing as most album covers are a pile of old shite?"
Then, just to disprove my point, this came along:
Is this not the coolest album cover you've ever seen? Thank God for Björk is all I can say. Can you believe that she's 42 years old? Looks good for her age doesn't she? As the missus commented, it's all down to having that 'pixie' face. Not sure if the massive multi-coloured chicken suit is a good fashion statement though, even if it is fucking cool looking.
And her new song is super smashing great; I would link to the video but it hasn't been released yet, so I won't. I will however put the song on here cos it's a free world innit?
I was never hugely enamoured with Lemon Jelly. The whole sample some weird old stuff and come up with some quite contrived although obviously very clever but not really very dancey dance music kind of passed me by (I was probably dancing my tits off to some jungle at the time) and as a result didn't appeal to me very much.
Their last record however, '64 - '95, was a bit different; more dance-oriented and therefore more up my passage than their previous output. They also have extremely pretty album covers (see here, here and here) and are blessed with spankingly good videos. I like good videos I do. Here's a wankingly good vid for a song called 'The Shouty Track'. It very good thing!
Here's another one, and yet another song - called 'A Man Like Me' - with a bloody ace and extremely colourful (it has pandas in it!) video.
Both of these shorts and all of Lemon Jelly's other videos are all produced by a company called Airside that was actually set up by one of the blokes from the band, Fred Deakin.
I love Twin Peaks. I'm not afraid to say this, or ashamed to shout this from the rooftops. So I'm very much looking forward to Season 2 finally being released on DVD later this Spring. That is, unless the rumours, if that's what they are, are total bollocks.
Anyway, one of the best things about Twin Peaks is the characters. This all got thoroughly fucked up in the second season, when Lynch became less and less involved, and the programme became a long drawn out affair with no apparent relevance to the initial plot or storyline. It changed from being about the story to being about attracting viewers and making money. All shit.
So it's great to watch the first season again, and see some truly dazzling pieces of small screen action. The characters are amazing, the script genuinely inspired and surprising, and the whole thing is one hugely enjoyable romp.
So - because he's great - here's a short clip of Miguel Ferrer as Albert, arriving in Twin Peaks. I love this guy, and I love Kyle MacLachlan's character, giving everything the thumbs up. Makes me piss myself every time I see it:
Re the Flaming Lips post a few days ago on Timboblog, here's a vid I found (with a little careful hunting) of the UFO lighting rig being tested out before the Oklahoma gig.
Honestly, these guys are so inventive. If I didn't love them so much it would probably make me sick with jealousy. But I do love them, and so am joyful and triumphant like, you know, all ye faithful, and stuff.
This has turned into Music Week. Next week I shall discuss how all the currently or recently pregnant women in Lost don't look pregnant at all. No bumps, nothing. Apparently they should have saggy post-pregnancy boobs too (not my words) and blatantly don't. This will all be discussed.
(I tried to get these vids to open up in their own little pop-up windows, but I haven't got my html head on today and so you'll have to make do with the YouTube pages instead)
Quite clearly, a great, great band. And this is only the stuff that can be found on YouTube. Buy all their records and also listen to Eagles of Death Metal; they're effing great too.
As I've previously written on Timboblog, my incredibly sexy, gorgeous and super-talented other half has been
grafting away for a fair old while now and has come up with a quite
brilliant website cum portfolio with which to display her artistic
wares to the world. Aminorcelebrity
has already taken a hefty fifteen minutes out of his (I assume)
incredibly hectic schedule to give it the once over, and I heartily
suggest that every single one of you do the same.
If anyone wants to contact her with offers of work, free gifts, cans
of stella, sexual propositions, etc. then email her, or me. Okay, maybe
not the sexual propositions bit. All the other stuff will be gratefully
recieved though.
I advise you to get in there before she gets REALLY famous.
Do it now! Don't be a wally and leave it for later on!
It's old, but I love this clip of Tom Cruise pathetically kicking off at some geezer for spraying water at him. I would have loaded my water pistol with wee-wee, but that's something I should probably keep to myself. Bide my time. Oh yes. Muh-ha-ha!!!